Tall Tales Productions is an independent motion picture production company based in New York, NY. Founded in 2006, the company focuses on creating original, thought-provoking narrative content for traditional and new media. With a maverick spirit and a commitment to excellence, Tall Tales endeavors to measure up to industry giants by standing tall within the independent film community.
Project News
Hitting the Cycle, the first feature-length film from Tall Tales Productions, is available for purchase or rental online! Buy the DVD today on FamilyVideo.com, Amazon.com, and Walmart.com, among other online retailers. You can also download/stream the movie instantly on Amazon Prime Video! For more info, visit the official Hitting the Cycle website and Facebook page!
Awards for Hitting the Cycle: Manhattan Film Festival, Best Dramatic Feature All Sports LA Film Festival, Best Feature Film & Audience Award Woods Hole Film Festival, Audience Award Runner-Up Tupelo Film Festival, 2nd Place Feature Louisville's International Festival of Film, Festival Darling Award Williamsburg International Film Festival, Outstanding Achievement in Editing |
© 2020 Tall Tales Productions